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We nurture your child’s confidence, collaboration skills, and innate talent and capabilities.

Our program provides a perfect transition from toddlers to preschool, celebrating your child’s changing abilities and encouraging an increased level of independence. Our early childhood educators focus on creating a flexible program for children who need time to build on their developmental abilities and learn how to engage more as a part of the group.

Learn Love N Laugh Childcare Center’s experienced educators cater to the high energy and busy needs of this age group. A typical day may include free play, small group time, storytelling, outdoor time, music & movements, and focused time on self-help skills. We also have interest centers that allow children to learn different water plays, block plays, dramatic plays, and manipulative arts. Academics are also tackled by our educators, including early science and math, with quiet time and reading time available throughout the day. All of these are provided to prepare them for higher education.

Contact us for inquiries or schedule a tour. Our staff is readily available to address your concerns.