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We help your child discover and learn new things with their senses.

In our program, we provide a warm and welcoming environment where your child can grow from a bundle of joy to a bundle of curiosity. Early childhood educators focus on creating experiences and opportunities that invite exploration and support the rapid and important development that is occurring in a child’s first few years. Throughout the day, children are encouraged to participate in activities that stimulate the five senses through singing, dancing, art, water play, and outdoor time.

In this age group, our routine focuses on promoting the social and emotional development of children as well as their gross and fine motor skills, sensory development, and physical needs. We explore our senses by singing with them and practicing our motor skills by performing different tasks. At Learn Love N Laugh Childcare Center, we prepare your child for speedy and holistic growth and development.

Contact us for inquiries or schedule a tour. Our staff is readily available to address your concerns.