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My daughter has joined the daycare recently and she was welcomed warmly. The Learn Love and Laugh daycare provide a safe environment that is not overcrowded. It is very obvious that all the caregivers love to work with kids. It has a true family-like atmosphere. Also, the kids make creative crafts and even some science experiments. I would definitely recommend this daycare.

– Dana

My son and I are so very happy with his experience and Learn, Love & Laugh. The new supervisor Staff member has been a wonderful & welcome change. She involves the kids and staff in healthy behaviors, creative crafts & activities and she is invested in providing many learning opportunities. We are blessed to have Staff member as the supervisor, she cares so much.

This daycare is so clean, I can always smell the cleaning products at the end of each day. They follow strict protocols for us to feel safe during this pandemic.

– Llasals,
Leigh Rosales

My daugther and I love this daycare. She has a ton of fun and has been growing and learning things daily. It’s very clean and professional. I feel very comfortable leaving my angels in their hands, they are very loving and Staff member is amazing and very comfortable knowing my daughter is in such great hands. Thank you learn love and laugh, we appreciate you guys so much

– Natasha

I love how comfortable the staff makes me feel. I am confident that my child will be treated with the best care when I drop her off. My child can’t wait to get to daycare each day. The kids enjoy learning target words and letters and they absolutely love their teachers. I have such peace of mind when I have my child at learn Love and Laugh. Nothing beats that!

– Rochelle